Az I Heart Mka ikonoldalán jársz,ahol rengeteg 96x96os ikonokat találsz a világhírű lányokról.Az ikonok saját készítésűek,ezért használatukat csak msnen és fórumon használhatod.
"). Upload this file. That's it! CUSTOMIZATION AND SUPPORT ------------------------------------------------ There are a few built in CSS styles to help you style your page. The menuis class="pagemenu", the
that holds the icons is class="icons", and the
that holds the credit to my site is class="credit". If you are having a problem, send in a contact form at my site ( or post at the CodeGrrl forums ( and I will try to help. CONFIG VARIABLES ------------------------------------------------*/ $catdir = 'categories'; // the icon categories folder (see step 1) $sort = 'first'; // set 'first' to show newest icons first, 'last' to show newest icons last $getcount = true; // true shows the icon count per category in the menu, and false turns it off $perpage = 20; // the number of icons shown on each page (set to a really high number to turn off pagination) $divider = ' '; // the divider between the numbers and front/back arrows in the page navigation // DO NOT EDIT THE PHP BELOW THIS LINE. Scroll down to edit the text above the menu, and to add your footer. // ---------------------------------------------- // get category folders and sort if (!file_exists($catdir)) { echo 'Error! The folder named ' . $catdir . ', as specified in the config, does not exist in this directory. The value of the variable $catdir must match the name of the created folder (case-sensitive), and that folder must be in this directory for the script to work. Create the folder and put the individual icon category folders inside it.'; exit(); } $getfolders = opendir($catdir); while (($file = readdir($getfolders)) !== false) { if (($file != '.' && $file != '..') && (is_dir($catdir.'/'.$file))) { $cats[] = $file; } } if (!$cats) { echo 'No category folders were found inside the folder named ' . $catdir . '. Create your individual category folders inside that folder and the menu will appear.'; exit(); } natcasesort($cats); // build main menu if ((!$_GET['cat']) || (!in_array($_GET['cat'], $cats))) { ?>
'; foreach ($cats as $value) { $catname = str_replace('_', ' ', $value); echo '' . $catname . ': ' . $count; if ($count == 1) { echo ' icon'; } else { echo ' icons'; } echo '
'; // configure pagination if ((!$perpage) || ($perpage < 1) || (!is_numeric($perpage))) { $perpage = 20; } $pagecalc = ($count / $perpage); $pagecount = ceil($pagecalc); $page = $_GET['page']; if (($page > $pagecount) || ($page == '0')) { $start = 0; } elseif (!$page) { $start = 0; $page = 1; } elseif (!is_numeric($page)) { $start = 0; $page = 1; } else { $start = (($page * $perpage) - $perpage); } $pagearray = array_slice($icons, $start, $perpage); // if there is more than one page, show the page menu if ($pagecount > 1) { if (($page <= $pagecount) && ($page > 1)) { $backpagecalc = ($page - 1); $backpage = '« ' . $divider; } if ($page < $pagecount) { $nextpagecalc = ($page + 1); $nextpage = $divider . ' »'; } echo ' '; } // show the icons echo ''; foreach ($pagearray as $value) { $iconsize = getimagesize($catdir . '/' . $_GET['cat'] . '/' . $value['name']); echo ' '; } } else { echo '
There are no icons in this category.'; } echo '
« back
'; } ?>